Advocating for Seminole County’s children

Wraparound Seminole

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What is Wraparound?

Wraparound Seminole is a collaborative effort funded through a cooperative agreement including: SAMHSA, The Children’s Cabinet of Seminole County, Seminole County Government, and Community Based Care of Central Florida.

The program uses a holistic method of engaging with children, youth and their families to address complex needs and provide necessary support so that children and youth can remain in their homes.

Children and youth with intensive emotional, behavioral and mental health challenges typically have multiple needs, and their families often require broad-based community support. The wide variety of agencies and services in the system of care that serves these youth and their families may include mental health, education, vocation, substance abuse, child welfare and juvenile justice. Working with these many different agencies and services can get confusing or even downright frustrating. 

Wraparound is an approach that brings everyone together to help ease that confusion. The family is at the heart of it all, driving every decision. Every family has natural strengths. Wraparound facilitators and family advocates start with those strengths and work hand-in-hand with each youth, his or her family, and a support team to address the specific needs presented by the family. They also build connections in the community designed to provide support long after families transition out of formal Wraparound.

What is the Wraparound Process?

The Wraparound process supports families of youth with complex needs, especially those for whom traditional services have not typically been successful. Wraparound is a voluntary process. There is no cost to the family. The Wraparound Facilitator and Family Advocate work with the youth and family to bring together a team of individuals who will work together to create a plan of action to meet their specific needs. To achieve goals laid out in the Wraparound plan, the team develops and implements a customized set of strategies, supports and services. Plans are regularly reviewed and revised to meet the changing needs of the youth and his or her family. The team works toward goals included in the Wraparound plan until they agree that a formal Wraparound process is no longer required.